


  • 2025/2/18 NanoLSI Open Seminar Prof. Makoto Furutani-Seiki (Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University) "YAP maintains tissue mechanical properties enabling vertebrate 3D body morphogenesis"

  • 2024/8/26-28 JST-CREST Young researcher Association for Multicellular interaction 2024 Organizers: S. Inagaki, D. Ohtsuka, S. Okuda, S. Kowashi, K. Suzuki, K. Maki, R. Yagasaki Venue: KKR Hotel Kanazawa

  • 2024/6/24 IUPAB2024 "Symposium 2: Morphogenesis during Development and Repair" Organizers: S. Okuda, Y. Mao Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center Main Building 2F Room B-1

  • 2023/12/15 Nikon Corporation Research Introduction Seminar Organizer: S. Okuda Venue: NanoLSI Main Conference Room, Kanazawa University

  • 2023/7/13 NanoLSI Open Seminar Assoc. Prof. Kohji Hotta (Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Biosciences and Informatics, Keio University) "Elucidating Mechanism of Chordate Morphogenesis Using Ascidian as a Model Organism with a Minimalistic Chordate Body Plan"

  • 2023/6/19 NanoLSI Open Seminar Assoc. Prof. Yusuke TOYAMA (Mechanobiology Institute / Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore) "Harnessing mechanics: Apoptosis and its mechanical role in tissue morphogenesis and cell fate determination"

  • 2023/6/4 35th Bioengineering Symposium of JSME "OS-B5: 力による細胞システムの自律的秩序化" Organizers: S. Okuda, H. Miyoshi Venue: Hitachi Systems Hall Sendai 1F Concert Hall

  • 2023/1/26 NanoLSI Open Seminar Shuhei HORIGUCHI (Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo) "細胞集団動態の一般化勾配流によるモデリング"

  • 2022/9/8 Open Seminar Yuka YOKOYAMA (Department of Micro Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto Univ.) "Mechanical analysis of cellular activities in bone morphogenesis and remodeling"

  • 2022/9/2 NanoLSI Open Seminar Atsushi HASHIMOTO(OMRON SINIC X Corp.) "Machine Learning for Image Processing: from the Basics to the Challenges on small-size datasets"/ Yuki FUJIMURA(Nara Institute of Science and Technology) "Image-to-Image translation with deep learning for analyzing an organoid image"/ Takuya FUNATOMI(Nara Institute of Science and Technology) "Deformation modeling by blending geometric transforms"

  • 2022/8/18 Open Seminar Satomi HIROSE (Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku Univ.) "Investigation of eukaryotic aerotaxis using microfluidic devices"

  • 2022/7/26 NanoLSI Open Seminar Dr. Lou Yuting (Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore) "Interfacial friction dictates long-range force propagation in tissues"

  • 2022/6/4 Symposium "Engineering Mechanics of Cell and Tissue Morphogenesis" Organizers: F. Motegi, S. Okuda Venue: NanoLSI Main Conference Room, Kanazawa University, and Online (Zoom)

  • 2022/5/31-6/3 55th Annual Meeting of the JSDB "Symposium 5: Unveiling morphogenesis through theory and engineering" Organizers: S. Okuda, F. Motegi Venue: Kanazawa Bunka Hall

  • 2022/3/1-2 5th NanoLSI Symposium "Understanding Nanoscale Biological Processes in the Cells" Organizers: A. Mikhailov, S. Okuda Venue: Online (Zoom)

  • 2021/11/4 NanoLSI Open Seminar Dr. Taeyoon Kim (Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University) "Reconstructing the Mechanical and Dynamic Behaviors of Cells in Silico"

  • 2019/12/23 NanoLSI Open Seminar Kazunori Yamamoto(JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London) "Dissecting the molecular and cellular mechanisms shaping early embryos"

  • 2019/11/14 NanoLSI Open Seminar Koichiro MAKI(School of Engineering, University of Tokyo / Helsinki Institue of Life Science, University of Helsinki) "静水圧作用下のクロマチン構造変化を介した軟骨細胞の未分化維持メカニズム"/ Hironori TAKEDA(Department of Micro Engineering, Kyoto University) "組織形態形成におけるロバスト性の力学解析に基づく解釈"/ Kenichi TSUBOTA(Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University) "血球バイオメカニクスに基づく微小循環の理解"

  • 2019/11/19-21 Joint UBI-NanoLSI Workshop "Trends in Molecular Biophysics of living cells” Organizers: K. Kaneko, N. Kodera, A. Mikhailov, S. Okuda, S. Sawai Venue: Natural Science and Technology Library Hall, Kanazawa University

  • 2019/11/14 NanoLSI Open Seminar Dr. Keisuke MIYAZAWA (WPI-NanoLSI, Kanazawa University) "Development of 3D-AFM for visualizing 3D structures of chromosomes with nanometer-scale resolusion"/ Dr. Kazuko OKAMOTO (RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research) "The relationships between single molecular dynamics of transcription factors and diffusion movement of chromatin"

  • 2019/11/5 NanoLSI Open Seminar Dr. Kojiro ISHIBASHI (Cancer Research Institute of Kanazawa University) "Mechanism of tumor-promotive and -suppressive astrocytes in brain metastasis"/ Dr. Li-Kun PHNG (RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research) "Shaping the vasculature - a balance of endothelialcell biomechanics and hemodynamic forces"/ Dr. Ryo SUDO (Faculty of Science and Engineering, Keio University) "In vitro 3D tissue engineering using a microfluidic device"

  • 2019/6/13 NanoLSI Open Seminar 佐藤 純 (金沢大学 新学術創成研究機構 数理神経科学ユニット) "繰り返し模様のデザイン「生き物はどうやってタイリングパターンを作るか?」"