• 2024.06.27
    堀口修平はIUPAB Congress 2024にてNakatani Foundation Awardを受賞しました! The Shuhei Horiguchi received Nakatani Foundation Award at IUPAB Congress 2024!

  • 2024.06.21
    寺西亜生は第57回日本発生生物学会年会にて優秀ポスター表彰を受賞しました! The Aki Teranishi received Excellent Poster Award at The 36th Conference of Bioengineering!

  • 2024.05.12
    堀口修平、深町崇耶は第36回バイオエンジニアリング講演会にて優秀ポスター表彰を受賞しました! The Shuhei Horiguchi and Shuya Fukamachi received Excellent Poster Award at The 36th Conference of Bioengineering!

  • 2024.05.11
    矢ヶ崎怜、堀口修平、深町崇耶、寺西亜生、狩俣龍之介は第36回バイオエンジニアリング講演会にてポスター発表を行いました! The Rei Yagasaki, Shuhei Horiguchi, Shuya Fukamachi, Aki Teranishi and Ryunosuke Karimata made a poster presentation at The 36th Conference of Bioengineering!

  • 2024.04.17
    奥田覚は令和6年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰にて若手科学者賞を受賞しました! The Satoru Okuda received The Young Scientists' Award at The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology!

  • 2024.04.16
    奥田覚は宮坂翔さん(株式会社ニコン)らと共同でPLOS ONEに論文「Numerical assessment of the applicability of geometry-based force inference on homogeneous and heterogeneous cells」を発表しました! Satoru Okuda published the paper "Numerical assessment of the applicability of geometry-based force inference on homogeneous and heterogeneous cells" with S. Miyasaka (Nikon) et al. in PLOS ONE!

  • 2023.12.20
    酒井伍希、詩丘伊月、奥田覚は藤村友貴さん、舩冨卓哉さん(共に奈良先端大)らと共同でScientific Reportsに論文「Machine learning-based estimation of spatial gene expression pattern during ESC-derived retinal organoid development」を発表しました! Itsuki Sakai, Itsuki Shioka and Satoru Okuda published the paper "Machine learning-based estimation of spatial gene expression pattern during ESC-derived retinal organoid development" with Y. Fujimura and T. Funatomi (both NAIST), et al. in Scientific Reports!

  • 2023.12.15
    研究内容紹介セミナーにて株式会社ニコンのみなさんにご講演いただきました! Nikon Corporation gave a talk at the Research Introduction Seminar!

  • 2023.11.15
    奥田覚は第61回日本生物物理学会年会にて口頭発表を行いました! The Satoru Okuda made an oral presentation at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan!

  • 2023.11.03
    詩丘伊月は第32回日本バイオイメージング学会学術集会にて口頭発表を行いました! The Itsuki Shioka made an oral presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Bioimaging Society!

  • 2023.11.02
    矢ヶ崎怜は第7回NanoLSIシンポジウムにて口頭発表を行いました! The Rei Yagasaki made an oral presentation at 7th NanoLSI Symposium!



  • 2023.09.27
    深町崇耶、寺西亜生はMBI Conference 2023: Mechanobiology in Health and Diseaseにてポスター発表を行いました! The Shuya Fukamachi and Aki Teranishi made a poster presentation at MBI Conference 2023: Mechanobiology in Health and Disease!

  • 2023.08.04
    詩丘伊月は第46回日本神経科学大会にて口頭発表を行いました! The Itsuki Shioka made an oral presentation at the 46nd Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society!

  • 2023.07.19
    奥田覚は平岩徹也さん(シンガポール国立大)と共同でThe European Physical Journal Eに論文「Modelling contractile ring formation and division to daughter cells for simulating proliferative multicellular dynamics」を発表しました! Satoru Okuda published the paper "Modelling contractile ring formation and division to daughter cells for simulating proliferative multicellular dynamics" with T. Hiraiwa (NUS) in The European Physical Journal E!

  • 2023.07.13
    NanoLSI Open Seminarにて堀田耕司先生(慶應大学)にご講演いただきました! Dr. Hotta (Keio Univ.) gave a talk at the NanoLSI Open Seminar!

  • 2023.06.19
    NanoLSI Open Seminarにて遠山祐典先生(シンガポール国立大)にご講演いただきました! Dr. Toyama (NUS) gave a talk at the NanoLSI Open Seminar!

  • 2023.06.15
    詩丘伊月はThe 3rd Area Conference of the Transformative Research Areas (A): Mechanical Self-transformation of Living SystemsにてOutstanding Poster Presentation賞を受賞しました! The Itsuki Shioka received Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at The 3rd Area Conference of the Transformative Research Areas (A): Mechanical Self-transformation of Living Systems!

  • 2023.06.15
    詩丘伊月、深町崇耶、寺西亜生はThe 3rd Area Conference of the Transformative Research Areas (A): Mechanical Self-transformation of Living Systemsにてポスター発表を行いました! The Itsuki Shioka, Shuya Fukamachi and Aki Teranishi made a poster presentation at The 3rd Area Conference of the Transformative Research Areas (A): Mechanical Self-transformation of Living Systems!

  • 2023.06.05
    寺西亜生は第35回バイオエンジニアリング講演会にてOutstanding Presentation表彰を受賞しました! The Aki Teranishi received Outstanding Presentation Award at The 35th Conference of Bioengineering!

  • 2023.06.03
    詩丘伊月、深町崇耶、寺西亜生は第35回バイオエンジニアリング講演会にてポスター発表を行いました! The Itsuki Shioka, Shuya Fukamachi and Aki Teranishi made a poster presentation at The 35th Conference of Bioengineering!

  • 2023.05.09
    深町崇耶と奥田覚は山下忠紘さん(慶応大)らのグループと共同でActa Biomateliaに論文「Multicellular dynamics on structured surfaces: Stress concentration is a key to controlling complex microtissue morphology on engineered scaffolds」を発表しました! Shuya Fukamachi and Satoru Okuda published the paper "Multicellular dynamics on structured surfaces: Stress concentration is a key to controlling complex microtissue morphology on engineered scaffolds" with T. Yamashita (Keio Univ.) et al. in Acta Biomatelia!


  • 2023.03.17
    奥田覚は勝田紘基(名古屋大)さんらと共同でiScienceに論文「Actin crosslinking by α-actinin averts viscous dissipation of myosin force transmission in stress fibers」を発表しました! Satoru Okuda published the paper "Actin crosslinking by α-actinin averts viscous dissipation of myosin force transmission in stress fibers" with H. Katsuta (Nagoya Univ.) et al. in iScience!

  • 2023.03.07
    寺西亜生と奥田覚はRIKEN BDR Symposium 2023: Transitions in Biological Systemsにて口頭及びポスター発表を行いました! The Aki Teranishi and Satoru Okuda made a poster and oral presentation at RIKEN BDR Symposium 2023: Transitions in Biological Systems!

  • 2023.02.21
    奥田覚は平岩徹也(シンガポール国立大)さんと共同でPhysical Review Eに論文「Long-term adherent cell dynamics emerging from energetic and frictional interactions at the interface」を発表しました! Satoru Okuda published the paper "Long-term adherent cell dynamics emerging from energetic and frictional interactions at the interface" with T. Hiraiwa (NUS) in Physical Review E!

  • 2023.01.26
    NanoLSI Open Seminarにて堀口修平さん(東京大学)にご講演いただきました! Mr. Horiguchi (Tokyo Univ.) gave a talk at the NanoLSI Open Seminar!

  • 2022.12.21
    Sristilekha Nathと奥田覚は戸田聡さん(金沢大)と共同でBiophysics and Physicobiologyに論文「Intestinal and optic-cup organoids as tools for unveiling mechanics of self-organizing morphogenesis」を発表しました! Sristilekha Nath and Satoru Okuda published the paper "Intestinal and optic-cup organoids as tools for unveiling mechanics of self-organizing morphogenesis" with S. Toda (Kanazawa Univ.) in Biophysics and Physicobiology!

  • 2022.12.18
    詩丘伊月は第33回バイオフロンティア講演会にて口頭発表を行いました! The Itsuki Shioka made an oral presentation at the 33nd biofrontia Conference!

  • 2022.12.13
    Razib Datta SHUBHRA、詩丘伊月はメカノバイオ討論会2022にてポスター発表を行いました! The Razib Datta SHUBHRA and Itsuki Shioka made a poster presentation at the Mechanobiology Conference 2022!

  • 2022.12.01
    奥田覚は第45回日本分子生物学会年会にて口頭発表を行いました! The Satoru Okuda made an oral presentation at The 45th Annual Meeting of the Molecular Biology Society of Japan!

  • 2022.11.17
    山下忠紘さん(慶応大)、深町崇耶と奥田覚らはCHEMINAS46にて優秀研究賞を受賞しました! T. Yamashita (Keio Univ), Shuya Fukamachi and Satoru Okuda et al. received Outstanding Research Award at CHEMINAS46!

  • 2022.11.14
    Razib Datta SHUBHRAは第6回NanoLSIシンポジウムにてポスター発表を行いました! The Razib Datta SHUBHRA made a poster presentation at 6th NanoLSI Symposium!

  • 2022.11.09
    奥田覚はThe 3rd Franco-Japanese meeting "New Frontiers in Developmental Biology - Celebrating the Diversity of Life"にて口頭発表を行いました! The Satoru Okuda made an oral presentation at the 3rd Franco-Japanese meeting "New Frontiers in Developmental Biology - Celebrating the Diversity of Life"!